Learn annotation skills and summary writing
Write a half page summary defining Developmental Psychology.
- Read "The Wild Boy of Aveyron" (perhaps together?)
What aspects of human behaviour for an 11 or 12 year old boy were present?
What aspects of human development for an 11 or 12 year old boy were missing or delayed?
What does this case study say about the relative influence of Nature (genetic inheritance) or Nurture (social environment) in terms of human development?
T-Chart Nature / Nurture
a) From the story
b) Your own lives. What is natural and what is taught?
- Book Interview (Nature vs Nurture)
Summarise the interview in three sentences
Answer three questions: 1) What are the criticisms of 's book?
3) How is the article critical of the child psychologists' research methods
- Research methods + Identification sheet
- What are three things you would like to know about Nature vs Nurture
ie -
- Choose one of the research techniques and design a study that will answer your question.
(Introduce Scientific Methodology)
- Present Life Maps
(See binders: re Nature vs Nurture)
a) Continue t-chart responses from today.
b) Nature vs Nurture and Wild Boy
What is your opinion? Which is stronger?
Read interview
Plus, I need to decide on my major assessments. Plus we need to hang the Life Maps.
Consider how economic or social events might affect decisions a person makes? How do relationships with others influence where to work and lifestyle choices?
If you asked your grandfather and grandmother to look back on their lives, what stories would they tell you? Perhaps, they have advice for you. Seniors have learned so much about life, change, and growth. Their stories are rich and teach us about relationships, joys and sorrows, and about having a place in the world. Human development happens at every age and throughout one’s lifespan.
- As a High School Senior. What advice would you give to students in grade ______ ?
(Have students prepare advice and organise ways for them to give that advise to the students in elementary school)