Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Baby Book Project

Your task is to create a "baby book". The book will cover the time period of physical, emotional, social and cognitive development from prenatal to the end of the first year. On a weekly basis you will be given "issue cards" which will pose a problem or situation that you must deal with. Your task will be to research these problems and give three possible solutions to each problem.  You will then choose one of these and tell why you chose that solution. 

You will research these problems and give three possible solutions to each problem.  You will then choose one of these and tell why you would choose that solution.  You should also have a list of characteristics of this age.  You may get some of these from books or from material in the Psychology 30: Human Development course as we go through infancy.  The Baby Book Project covers human development from early prenatal development to 13 months of age.  


1.      Pregnancy-1 card that tells of problem or situation.  Entry may require research or it may be a diary type; depending on the problem.  
2.      Birth announcement.  What you had and how much baby weighed.  
3.      Birth.  The type of birth you had and any birth problem the child has.  
4.      Birth certificate.  You are responsible for making your own.   
5.      Newborn.  Two sets of problems.  You need to offer three possible solutions or explanations for each and choose one then explain why you chose that solution.  
6.      4-6 weeks.  Two sets of problems.  Same as above.  
7.      10-14 weeks.  Two sets of problems.  Same procedure.  
8.      4-5 months.  Two sets of problems.  
9.      6-7 months.  Two sets of problems.  
10.  9-10 months.  Two sets of problems.  
11.  12-13 months.  Two sets of problems.  
12.  For each of these age categories you should have a list of characteristics.  
13.  Poems:  “Children Learn What They Live”, “Children are Like Kites”, and “Toddlers’ Creed”.  
14.  Baby’s First time line chart.  Also, select three of the firsts and write a diary entry on each.  This should be about one paragraph in length for each.  
15.  All the age groups should include an age appropriate picture; be it your own (preferably scanned if it is from your baby book at home) or one from an outside source.  
16.  Quiz.  These are your own answers to the questions


1.      What was your reaction to “giving birth”?  Were you happy with your baby or did you have different expectations?  
2.      In solving your problems, whom did you ask for help?  Tell whether you agreed with the advice given and why.  
3.      What are three different things you learned from guest speakers?   
4.      In what ways was the baby book realistic?  What ways was it unrealistic?  
5.      Before doing the baby book what were your attitudes and expectations toward parenting?  How did they change?  
6.    How would you prepare differently for the birth of a second child?

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